
HUMAGO derives from the word "Imago," however, the I was replaced by Hu, in reference to us as "Human being" and the impact we can leave as human beings on society. HUMAGO wants to ensure that people and organizations can live up to their full potential, with integrity and respect for each other. This is a commitment that we want to personally fulfill and show to our children, and then spread through our clients and contacts.
In this way, we want to link the "Human Image" or the "Employer Brand" of an organization, usually expressed in its values, to its talents, whether present or not.

"HUMAGO stands for the things I personally find important in life.
My family is number one, which is why the first letters of the names within our family are not accidentally contained in the company name."

Michael Leliaert - Founder & Managing Director
Credit: Fotografie Charlotte Peeters


HUMAGO wants to grow into a "Trusted talent partner" for leading organizations in Flanders and the Netherlands, whose values align with our personal values, so that we can offer an optimal service. The focus will be on offering quality and effectiveness in the execution of assignments in the domain of HR & talent, where the main target group lies within the operational senior executives and executives at both start-ups/scale-ups, SMEs and MNOs.


After my studies as an industrial engineer and several years of work experience in industry, it became clear to me that I was more interested in people than in machines. Moreover, I found it fascinating to discover what drives people and what the success factors are for a good match between a person, the organization and the role fulfilled within it. This is how I ended up in executive search and business consultancy via a commercial recruitment position and eventually as an internal talent acquisition specialist . At the age of 40, however, it was time for me to become self-employed, where I will use the combination of my experiences to support organizations in their talent needs.

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